They wanted to reach a broad, global audience and grow a community of diverse stakeholders involved in research funding and assessment who would keep using the tool over and over again.
Having never run a campaign at this scale before, and with several different audiences to reach, DORA asked us to devise and deliver a launch strategy that would see them reaching beyond their usual crowd to make an international impact.
We started by leading an eight week strategy sprint. This included a series of in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, auditing their channels and content, and two workshops with the core DORA team.
Through this sprint, we created a phased content marketing strategy with a focus on being crystal clear who the target audiences were, why the tool was helpful for them, and what they needed to know. We then guided the DORA team through user stories, personas and audience mapping so they could better understand how to talk to and reach key users.
DORA also asked us to come up with an original name for the tool. We led them through a number of workshops and helped them settle on Reformscape – a name that aligned with their principles for the tool while being unique enough to be easily findable online.
We also worked seamlessly with our design partner TRAFIK to develop branding for the Reformscape. This formed the basis of a suite of eye-catching visual assets including an animation, launch pack, poster and social media images.
As well as developing the overall narrative for how to talk about Reformscape, we crafted tailored messaging and calls to action for each target audience – each of whom would use the tool in different ways and for slightly different reasons.
Our phased content plan ensured there was relevant marketing content and comms for each audience group across the pre-launch, soft launch, launch and post-launch periods. Alongside marketing content we also delivered a PR campaign targeted at relevant media outlets.
Lastly, to create a cohort of users eager for launch, we identified champions from DORA’s close-knit network. Through newsletters, shareable content, the launch pack, as well as sneak previews and early access, we had hundreds of advocates primed to spread the word about Reformscape further than DORA could reach alone.
Broken down by objectives and target audience, the DORA team could clearly see how each piece of work was contributing towards their overall strategic goal. And they were delighted by the results.
Global Reach
International media coverage including Nature News
1,750+ visits to Reformscape within two days of launch
Organic social media mentions in several
Promo animation received over 23K views during launch
Engaged Champions
400+ signups for the launch pack
Individual and organisational champions promoted the tool, enhancing credibility and visibility
Visual branding and Assets
New bold, flexible branding aligned to the parent DORA brand
Easily shareable animation, poster, social media cards and launch pack picked up by audiences
Driving long term use
Ongoing traffic from a global audience driven by a long-term content plan
Comprehensive evaluation with recommendations and ideas for future marketing
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